An old friend of mine back in Maryland was the first person I ever KNEW I could not expect a text back from (that was also still my friend) and it became something I admired. It's come up in other texts I've read as well. There is no context to a call or a text time, unless you did indeed plan it or were expected to be ready to respond. I love, love asking myself each time with a pause, "Do I want to answer this right now?"

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I love this post so much!! I’ve been leaving my phone on vibrate so any texts or calls can just sit there till I think to check my phone - which if I’m engaged with my life is only a few times a day. Conversely, if I’m disengaged or over-tired from taking on too much, the temptation to zone out on my phone is much greater. I believe we can all still have great conversations and connections (perhaps even better ones) if we stop making them on-demand and start just letting them exist in their own natural time-space continuum.

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