An old friend of mine back in Maryland was the first person I ever KNEW I could not expect a text back from (that was also still my friend) and it became something I admired. It's come up in other texts I've read as well. There is no context to a call or a text time, unless you did indeed plan it or were expected to be ready to respond. I love, love asking myself each time with a pause, "Do I want to answer this right now?"

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Even those few seconds between writing back when you check in with yourself can be life-giving and change your entire trajectory for your day.


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I spent a week on a dating app recently and had some really awesome conversations, and then also discovered that a few people "unmatched" when I took 24 hours off of replying. It helped me hone my profile to let people know up front that that could happen so they could adjust their needs accordingly to whether we would be a match.

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I love this post so much!! I’ve been leaving my phone on vibrate so any texts or calls can just sit there till I think to check my phone - which if I’m engaged with my life is only a few times a day. Conversely, if I’m disengaged or over-tired from taking on too much, the temptation to zone out on my phone is much greater. I believe we can all still have great conversations and connections (perhaps even better ones) if we stop making them on-demand and start just letting them exist in their own natural time-space continuum.

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That is such a good point. Rushed connections and ones that take place without much thought and the setting aside of other tasks just don’t feel as rich.

A message from a friend during the day is a nice treat I like to set aside and look forward to listening to during a time when I can be present and pay attention.

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